Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Being Broken Open

My heart is broken open by love. As I struggle to keep sight of my center and ground in my daily life, trying to be gentle with myself as I encounter bumps or road blocks in my path, I often think of those in whom I have found great support. I have recently found myself without words to describe the deep passion and love of so many people and Friends I've encountered so far in my life. I encountered a number of these Friends at Central Committee this past weekend, finding myself supported by them, but also, equally if not more importantly, some of them found support in me. These passionate and deeply loving Friends break my heart; they break it open. This passion and love for the world, for God, for their work and the work of everyone, this is the Spirit manifested. This is my experience of God.

After a couple months of what felt a little like spiritual limbo as I made the transition to college, I feel now that my spirituality has returned full force and intensified. I'm still learning how and struggling to find its balance in my daily life, to discover how to remain spiritually grounded and focused as I interact with others, as I go to class, lab, or study groups, or do homework. I suspect that this is an on-going dilemma for many others, as well.

I must carry on and be tender with where I am, being careful to nurture myself in the place that I am, and I must always remember the passion and love that breaks my heart open.

Love and Light,


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